Wednesday, October 20, 2010

WORDLESS WEDNESDAY 11 - Sand castles and trees

Friday, October 15, 2010

He wears his sunglasses at brunch...

He wears his sunglasses at brunch
So he can, so he can
Watch you eat
Then steal your french toast
And he wears his sunglasses at brunch
So he can, so he can
Keep track of the apples on his plate.

(my own version of Corey Harts "sunglasses at night")

Yes, I'm blogging about brunch. I'm that blocked for blog posts.

The Bad Robot and I had a brunch party this morning...

French toast
brown sugar

One of the last of our hand picked orchard apples

Just so you know... It rocked hard.

The sunglass wearing Robot approved.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010